About the Tokyu Group

The Tokyu Group traces its roots back to the 1922 establishment of the Meguro-Kamata Electric Railway Company. Centered on Tokyu Corporation, the group comprises 216 companies and seven other incorporated bodies as of September 30, 2024. Urban development underpinned by transportation services is the cornerstone of our business. Our business portfolio has for many years spanned a variety of fields closely linked to people’s everyday lives, including real estate, life services, and hotels and resorts.

Guided by the Tokyu Group slogan “Toward a Beautiful Age” and our Group Philosophy of creating beautiful living environments that accommodate people’s diverse values, each Tokyu Group company works independently and in collaboration with other group companies to achieve synergies through co-creation, in an effort to establish Tokyu as a trusted and beloved brand.

In addition, we actively engage in grassroots community-focused activities that contribute to society through our educational institutions and foundations, along with Tokyu Association branches across the country.

Click here to enlarge it.
This poster was published to announce the creation of our Group Slogan in 1997. It bears calligraphy by shodo artist Bakuzan Sakaki.

The Tokyu Group Philosophy System

Mapping out the Tokyu Group’s key value and direction in the 21st century

Consisting of the Group Philosophy and the Group Slogan, the Tokyu Group Philosophy System identifies the key value underpinning the management of the Tokyu Group and maps out the direction that the Tokyu Group should take in order to fulfill our important role as a member of society and to keep growing as a corporate group.

We have identified beauty as the key value of the Tokyu Group in the 21st century.

With beauty as its touchstone, the Group Philosophy sets out the Tokyu Group’s ideal shape. This philosophy consists of three elements. The first is our Mission Statement, which defines the goal of our businesses as being to create beautiful living environments, that are cosmopolitan, high-quality, healthy, and inspirational, and which expresses our commitment to helping each person experience individual happiness by living true to themselves, in a harmonious society overflowing with kindness and consideration. The second element is our Management Policy, which describes the approach taken by each group company in order to bring our Mission Statement to fruition. And the third is our Guidelines for Action, which serve as a code of conduct for each and every group employee.

Our Group Slogan, “Toward a Beautiful Age — Tokyu Group,” concisely expresses the Tokyu Group’s philosophy to internal and external stakeholders alike. This slogan proclaims our commitment to ensuring that the Tokyu Group continually pursues beauty and our determination to lead the way in creating beautiful living environments.

When we talk of beauty, we do not mean the superficial visual appeal of regular shapes. The beauty running throughout the Tokyu Group Philosophy System is an essential spiritual beauty, a universal beauty deeply impressing anyone who encounters it, regardless of generation or culture. We aim to create a beauty in harmony with people, their communities, and the natural environment.

Group Philosophy

We hold the following shared vision as we work together to create and support the Tokyu Group.

  • Mission Statement

    We shall strive to create beautiful living environments, in which each person can pursue individual happiness in a harmonious society.

  • Management Policy

    Work independently and in collaboration to raise the Tokyu Group synergy and establish a trusted and beloved brand.


    • Meet current market expectations and develop new ones.
    • Manage in harmony with the natural environment.
    • Pursue innovative management from a global perspective.
    • Value individuality and encourage the best from each employee.


    Through these means, we will fulfill our corporate social responsibilities.

  • Guidelines for Action

    Fulfill your responsibilities.

    Collaborate to enhance each other’s abilities.

    Reinvent yourself with a global awareness.

Group slogan

Beauty is the guiding principle and standard of value for the Tokyu Group as it meets the challenges of the future.

For all of us in the Tokyu Group, the beauty we aspire to is a universal beauty deeply impressing anyone who encounters it, regardless of their generation or culture. We aim to create a beauty in harmony with people, their communities, and the natural environment. With beauty as our touchstone, the Tokyu Group’s goal is to create beautiful living environments, which reflect our desire to serve our customers by refining our products and services, raising quality, and promoting good health.
We are making every effort to realize this vision, and moreover, we aspire to play an active role in creating a more harmonious society, overflowing with kindness and consideration, so that all people may find genuine happiness and express an individual lifestyle.

Our slogan, “Toward a beautiful age,” expresses the commitment of all of us in the Tokyu Group to continually pursue beauty, and proclaims our determination to lead the way in creating beautiful living environments.

Group Logo

The group logo was established in 1973 to mark the 50th anniversary of Tokyu Corporation’s founding. The central ellipsis represents the earth, while the white element within is a stylized T for Tokyu. Along with the ellipsis, the three arcs underneath indicate the Tokyu Group’s original four business divisions. The arcs spread outward and upward to indicate our aspirations for the unlimited growth, expansion, and development of these businesses.

Message from the Chairman


With our transportation business serving as a base, we at the Tokyu Group are pursuing a wide array of businesses that serve everyday needs, encompassing fields including real estate, life services, and hotels and resorts. In order to improve everyday life, we will continue to identify customers’ unrecognized needs and offer innovative services to meet society’s demands. We will do this by combining the diverse business functions of the Tokyu Group’s companies in their various fields of endeavor. Our aim is to create a spiral of increased value in communities served by Tokyu train lines and in daily life.

The Tokyu Group traces its roots back to the Den-en-toshi Company, which Shibusawa Eiichi established to develop ideal residential areas. In 1922, the company’s railway division was hived off to form the Meguro-Kamata Electric Railway Company, which was the predecessor of today’s Tokyu Corporation. Since then, building on the foundations of our mainstay railway and real estate businesses, we have expanded into a variety of businesses aimed at enriching our customers’ lives, in fields as wide-ranging as construction, retail, life services, and hotels and leisure. Although we have weathered a multitude of major environmental changes and adversities over the last 100 years, we have continually faced up to the social issues of the times and taken on challenges in order to provide value through urban development benefiting our customers in their everyday lives.

A number of the Tokyu Group’s big projects will enter service in 2023. In our railway business, the Tokyu Shin-yokohama Line began operating in March, forming a huge network of 14 lines. The move also substantially improves access to the Kansai region via Shin-Yokohama Station on the Tokaido Shinkansen line. April 14 sees the opening in Shinjuku of Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, a hotel and entertainment complex featuring a movie theater, theater, and live music venue. In Shibuya, the Shibuya Sakuragaoka block urban redevelopment project is scheduled for completion.

Based on our slogan “Toward a Beautiful Age,” the Tokyu Group will continue to undertake urban development that enables people to experience enjoyment, enrichment, and beauty. And in doing so, we will strive to be a business group that plays a part in upholding Japan’s status as a global cultural superpower. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Tokyu Group.

March 2023

Hirofumi Nomoto

Chairman, Tokyu Group

Chairman Of the Board & Representative Director, TOKYU CORPORATION

Tokyu Group Businesses

The Tokyu Group’s business domains create a beautiful living environment

Consisting of 216 companies and seven other incorporated bodies (as of September 30, 2024), the Tokyu Group’s diverse array of businesses supporting people’s daily lives are divided into four core business domains: transportation, real estate, life services, and hotels and resorts.
We will offer beautiful living environments for a new age by combining the functions of these businesses.

Transportation Business

Providing more passenger-friendly transportation services

Railway business
Bus business
Airport operation business
Other transportation-related businesses

Real Estate Business

Working with people to create sustainable communities

Real estate development business
Real estate sales business
Real estate leasing business
Property management business
Property brokerage business
Real estate investment management business
Construction and related businesses
Custom home business
Renovation business
Services for senior citizens

Life Service Business

Helping people achieve their ideal lifestyles

Electricity and gas retail business
Security business
Cable television business
Home convenience business
After-school and preschool childcare business
Travel agency business
Sports facility management business
Culture school management business
Department store business
Supermarket business
Shopping center business
Credit card and loyalty points business
Advertising and media business
Cultural facility management business
Entertainment business

Hotel & Resort Business / Development Overseas

Offering enriching stays that deliver complete relaxation

Hotels business
Members-only resort hotel business
Golf course and ski resorts business